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add(int) - Method in class io.javago.sync.WaitGroup
Increments the count of this wait group by the specified amount.
addCase(InputChannel<T>, Consumer<T>) - Method in class io.javago.Selector
Adds an InputChannelCase to the selector.
addCase(OutputChannel<T>, T, Runnable) - Method in class io.javago.Selector
Adds an OutputChannelCase to the selector.
addCase(Duration, Runnable) - Method in class io.javago.Selector
Adds a DelayedCase to the selector.
addDefault(Runnable) - Method in class io.javago.Selector
Adds a default case to the selector.
await() - Method in class io.javago.sync.WaitGroup
Causes the current thread to wait until the count of this wait group reaches zero.


BufferedQueueChannel<T> - Class in io.javago
The BufferedQueueChannel class is an implementation of the Channel interface, providing a Go channel backed by a Queue for passing messages between threads.
BufferedQueueChannel() - Constructor for class io.javago.BufferedQueueChannel
Constructs a BufferedQueueChannel with a default capacity of 1.
BufferedQueueChannel(int) - Constructor for class io.javago.BufferedQueueChannel
Constructs a BufferedQueueChannel with the specified capacity.


Channel<T> - Interface in io.javago
The Channel interface defines the operations to create Go's channel in Java that can send and receive messages of a specified type.
close() - Method in class io.javago.BufferedQueueChannel
Closes the channel.
close() - Method in interface io.javago.Channel
Closes the channel.
close() - Method in interface io.javago.InputChannel
Closes the channel.
close() - Method in interface io.javago.OutputChannel
Closes the channel.
close() - Method in class io.javago.sync.WaitGroup
Decrements the count of this wait group by one.
compareAndDelete(K, V) - Method in class io.javago.sync.Map
Removes the entry for a key only if currently mapped to a given value.
compareAndSwap(K, V, V) - Method in class io.javago.sync.Map
Replaces the entry for a key only if currently mapped to a given value.


DelayedCase - Class in io.javago
The DelayedCase class is used to create the timeout case found in Go's select statement.
DelayedCase(Duration, Runnable, OutputChannel<Integer>, int, AtomicBoolean) - Constructor for class io.javago.DelayedCase
Constructs a DelayedCase with the specified delay, callback, output channel, identifier, and closed state.
delete(K) - Method in class io.javago.sync.Map
Removes the mapping for a key from this map if it is present.
done() - Method in class io.javago.sync.WaitGroup
Decrements the count of this wait group by one.
doOnce(Runnable) - Method in class io.javago.sync.Once
Executes the specified Runnable only once.


equals(Object) - Method in record class io.javago.sync.OnceValues.Values
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.


first() - Method in record class io.javago.sync.OnceValues.Values
Returns the value of the first record component.


get() - Method in class io.javago.sync.OnceValue
Executes the wrapped Supplier only once.
get() - Method in class io.javago.sync.OnceValues
Executes the wrapped Supplier only once.
get() - Method in class io.javago.sync.Pool
Retrieves an object from the pool.
go(Runnable) - Static method in class io.javago.Go
Executes the given task asynchronously using the thread pool.
Go - Class in io.javago
The Go class implements Go's go statement.


hashCode() - Method in record class io.javago.sync.OnceValues.Values
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hasNext() - Method in class io.javago.BufferedQueueChannel
Waits until the channel has another message or is closed.
hasNext() - Method in interface io.javago.Channel
Waits until the channel has another message.
hasNext() - Method in interface io.javago.InputChannel
Waits until the channel has another message.
hasNext() - Method in interface io.javago.OutputChannel
Waits until the channel has another message.
hasSpace() - Method in class io.javago.BufferedQueueChannel
Waits until the channel has space for another message or is closed.
hasSpace() - Method in interface io.javago.Channel
Waits until the channel has space for another message or is closed.
hasSpace() - Method in interface io.javago.InputChannel
Waits until the channel has space for another message or is closed.
hasSpace() - Method in interface io.javago.OutputChannel
Waits until the channel has space for another message or is closed.


InputChannel<T> - Interface in io.javago
The InputChannel interface defines the operations for a Go channel in Java that can receive messages of a specified type.
InputChannelCase<T> - Class in io.javago
The InputChannelCase class is used by the Selector class to create a case that is run when a message is received from the case's channel.
InputChannelCase(InputChannel<T>, Consumer<T>, OutputChannel<Integer>, int, AtomicBoolean) - Constructor for class io.javago.InputChannelCase
Constructs an InputChannelCase with the specified input channel, callback, output channel, identifier, and closed state.
io.javago - package io.javago
Provides Java class implementing core Go concurrency features such as the go and select keywords and channels.
io.javago.sync - package io.javago.sync
Provides Java classes implementing the types and functions found in Go's sync package.
isClosed() - Method in class io.javago.BufferedQueueChannel
Checks if the channel is closed.
isClosed() - Method in interface io.javago.Channel
Checks if the channel is closed.
isClosed() - Method in interface io.javago.InputChannel
Checks if the channel is closed.
isClosed() - Method in interface io.javago.OutputChannel
Checks if the channel is closed.
isEmpty() - Method in class io.javago.BufferedQueueChannel
Checks if the channel is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in interface io.javago.Channel
Checks if the channel is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in interface io.javago.InputChannel
Checks if the channel is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in interface io.javago.OutputChannel
Checks if the channel is empty.
isFull() - Method in class io.javago.BufferedQueueChannel
Checks if the channel is full.
isFull() - Method in interface io.javago.Channel
Checks if the channel is full.
isFull() - Method in interface io.javago.InputChannel
Checks if the channel is full.
isFull() - Method in interface io.javago.OutputChannel
Checks if the channel is full.
iterator() - Method in class io.javago.BufferedQueueChannel
Returns an iterator over the elements in this channel.


load(K) - Method in class io.javago.sync.Map
Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped, or null if this map contains no mapping for the key.
loadAndDelete(K) - Method in class io.javago.sync.Map
Removes the mapping for a key from this map if it is present and returns the associated value.
loadOrStore(K, V) - Method in class io.javago.sync.Map
If the specified key is not already associated with a value, associates it with the given value and returns null, else returns the current value.


make() - Static method in interface io.javago.Channel
Creates a new channel with a default capacity.
make() - Static method in interface io.javago.InputChannel
Creates a new channel with a default capacity.
make() - Static method in interface io.javago.OutputChannel
Creates a new channel with a default capacity.
make(int) - Static method in interface io.javago.Channel
Creates a new channel with the specified capacity.
make(int) - Static method in interface io.javago.InputChannel
Creates a new channel with the specified capacity.
make(int) - Static method in interface io.javago.OutputChannel
Creates a new channel with the specified capacity.
Map<K,V> - Class in io.javago.sync
The Map class implements Go's sync.Map.
Map() - Constructor for class io.javago.sync.Map
Creates a new, empty map with the default initial capacity, load factor, and concurrency level.
Map(int) - Constructor for class io.javago.sync.Map
Creates a new, empty map with the specified initial capacity, and with the default load factor and concurrency level.
Map(int, float) - Constructor for class io.javago.sync.Map
Creates a new, empty map with the specified initial capacity and load factor, and with the default concurrency level.
Map(int, float, int) - Constructor for class io.javago.sync.Map
Creates a new, empty map with the specified initial capacity, load factor, and concurrency level.
Map(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Constructor for class io.javago.sync.Map
Creates a new map with the same mappings as the specified map.


Once - Class in io.javago.sync
The Once class implements Go's sync.Once.
Once() - Constructor for class io.javago.sync.Once
Constructs a new Once instance.
OnceFunc - Class in io.javago.sync
The OnceFunc class implements Go's sync.OnceFunc.
OnceFunc(Runnable) - Constructor for class io.javago.sync.OnceFunc
Constructs a new OnceFunc that will wrap the given Runnable.
OnceValue<T> - Class in io.javago.sync
The OnceValue class implements Go's sync.OnceValue.
OnceValue(Supplier<T>) - Constructor for class io.javago.sync.OnceValue
Constructs a new OnceValue that will wrap the given Supplier.
OnceValues<S,T> - Class in io.javago.sync
The OnceValues class implements Go's sync.OnceValues.
OnceValues(Supplier<OnceValues.Values<S, T>>) - Constructor for class io.javago.sync.OnceValues
Constructs a new OnceValues that will wrap the given Supplier.
OnceValues.Values<S,T> - Record Class in io.javago.sync
A record that holds a pair of values.
OutputChannel<T> - Interface in io.javago
The OutputChannel interface defines the operations for a Go channel in Java that can send messages of a specified type.
OutputChannelCase<T> - Class in io.javago
The OutputChannelCase class is used by the Selector class to create a case that is run when a message is sent to the case's channel.
OutputChannelCase(OutputChannel<T>, T, Runnable, OutputChannel<Integer>, int, AtomicBoolean) - Constructor for class io.javago.OutputChannelCase
Constructs an OutputChannelCase with the specified output channel, message, callback, output channel for selector, identifier, and closed state.


Pool<T> - Class in io.javago.sync
The Pool class implements Go's sync.Pool.
Pool(Supplier<T>) - Constructor for class io.javago.sync.Pool
Constructs a new Pool with the given object creator.
put(T) - Method in class io.javago.sync.Pool
Returns an object to the pool, making it available for future retrieval.


range(BiConsumer<? super K, ? super V>) - Method in class io.javago.sync.Map
Performs the given action for each entry in this map until all entries have been processed or the action throws an exception.
receive() - Method in class io.javago.BufferedQueueChannel
Receives a message from the channel.
receive() - Method in interface io.javago.Channel
Receives a message from the channel, waiting if necessary for a message to be sent.
receive() - Method in interface io.javago.InputChannel
Receives a message from the channel, waiting if necessary for a message to be sent.
run() - Method in class io.javago.DelayedCase
Runs the delayed task.
run() - Method in class io.javago.InputChannelCase
Runs the input channel case.
run() - Method in class io.javago.OutputChannelCase
Runs the output channel case.
run() - Method in class io.javago.Selector
Executes the selector logic.
run() - Method in class io.javago.sync.OnceFunc
Executes the wrapped Runnable only once.


second() - Method in record class io.javago.sync.OnceValues.Values
Returns the value of the second record component.
select() - Static method in class io.javago.Selector
Static factory method to create a new instance of Selector.
Selector - Class in io.javago
The Selector class implements Go's select statement.
send(T) - Method in class io.javago.BufferedQueueChannel
Sends a message through the channel.
send(T) - Method in interface io.javago.Channel
Sends a message through the channel, waiting if necessary for space to become available.
send(T) - Method in interface io.javago.OutputChannel
Sends a message through the channel, waiting if necessary for space to become available.
store(K, V) - Method in class io.javago.sync.Map
Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map.
swap(K, V) - Method in class io.javago.sync.Map
Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map and returns the previous value associated with the key, or null if there was no mapping for the key.


toString() - Method in record class io.javago.sync.OnceValues.Values
Returns a string representation of this record class.


Values(S, T) - Constructor for record class io.javago.sync.OnceValues.Values
Creates an instance of a Values record class.


WaitGroup - Class in io.javago.sync
The WaitGroup class implements Go's sync.WaitGroup.
WaitGroup() - Constructor for class io.javago.sync.WaitGroup
Constructs a new WaitGroup with an initial count of zero.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Serialized Form