Package io.javago

package io.javago
Provides Java class implementing core Go concurrency features such as the go and select keywords and channels. For Java implementations of Go's sync package, use the io.javago.sync package.
  • Class
    The BufferedQueueChannel class is an implementation of the Channel interface, providing a Go channel backed by a Queue for passing messages between threads.
    The Channel interface defines the operations to create Go's channel in Java that can send and receive messages of a specified type.
    The DelayedCase class is used to create the timeout case found in Go's select statement.
    The Go class implements Go's go statement.
    The InputChannel interface defines the operations for a Go channel in Java that can receive messages of a specified type.
    The InputChannelCase class is used by the Selector class to create a case that is run when a message is received from the case's channel.
    The OutputChannel interface defines the operations for a Go channel in Java that can send messages of a specified type.
    The OutputChannelCase class is used by the Selector class to create a case that is run when a message is sent to the case's channel.
    The Selector class implements Go's select statement.