Package io.javago.sync

package io.javago.sync
Provides Java classes implementing the types and functions found in Go's sync package. For Java implementations of Go's sync.Lock, sync.Mutex, sync.RWMutex, and sync.Cond, use Lock, ReentrantLock, ReentrantReadWriteLock, and Condition respectively. For Java implementations of Go's sync.Atomic package, use the java.util.concurrent.atomic package.
  • Class
    The Map class implements Go's sync.Map.
    The Once class implements Go's sync.Once.
    The OnceFunc class implements Go's sync.OnceFunc.
    The OnceValue class implements Go's sync.OnceValue.
    The OnceValues class implements Go's sync.OnceValues.
    A record that holds a pair of values.
    The Pool class implements Go's sync.Pool.
    The WaitGroup class implements Go's sync.WaitGroup.